The SDO requires that City Contractors disclose whether their company had any participation, investments, or profits derived from slavery during the Slavery Era (prior to 1865). For more details, see links below:
Effective July 18, 2018, the Disclosure of Border Wall Contracting Ordinance (DBWCO) was combined with the Slavery Disclosure Ordinance (SDO)* on a revised Disclosure Ordinances Affidavit.
*Note: The previous SDO web form was an indefinite application if verified. However, with the inclusion of the Disclosure of Border Wall Contracting Ordinance on the new affidavit, any previously verified SDO webform will become obsolete, and your company will be required to complete the new Disclosure Ordinances affidavit. The new affidavit will also be an indefinite application if verified, and it will only be required to be redone if there are changes to the Company that would affect the Company’s responses to any of the questions.