Please be advised that eligibility requirements may be subject to change. For the most up to date information, contact the Bureau of Contract Administration (BCA) at You can also receive information on upcoming events by subscribing to BCA's email distribution list.

The Bureau of Contract Administration (BCA) administers the City of Los Angeles’s business certifications, including verification and eligibility requirements. In Los Angeles, certified local businesses are eligible to receive additional bid preferences to enhance their market competitiveness and, in some cases, even apply for local government contracts. 

Discover the Benefits

Elevate your business’s profile with the certifications offered by our City's Business Inclusion Program (BIP) and Local Business Preference Program (LBPP). Joining our community of certified businesses not only enhances your reputation but also unlocks a wealth of benefits—including increased visibility, access to exclusive opportunities, and priority consideration for local contracts and projects. Seize the opportunity to advance your business by taking advantage of our tailored support and resources to propel your enterprise forward.

  • Subcontractors, or "subs," gain the invaluable opportunity to collaborate with prime contractors, allowing them to jointly pursue larger contracts. This synergy not only encourages prime contractors, or “primes,” to engage with local subcontractors but requires them to do so in accordance with the central intent of BIP.
  • Prime contractors also reap certain benefits—particularly under the rewards of LBPP— securing exclusive bid preferences when competing for citywide contracts or projects. This strategic advantage places them at the forefront of contract opportunities as local businesses, giving them a competitive edge over outside competitors.

Regional Alliance Marketplace for Procurement (RAMPLA)

The Regional Alliance Marketplace for Procurement (RAMPLA) serves as the central portal for public and private procurement (i.e., contracting) opportunities in the Greater Los Angeles region. On RAMPLA, individuals can access and apply for government contracts—even sign up electronically to receive alerts about potential new contracts in real time. Additionally, companies frequent RAMPLA to apply for business certifications and search for qualified subcontractors.


Locally-Administered Certifications

Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (ACDBE)

Ownership Based Certification  |  Renewal Requirements: 5th Year Program Eligibility Review

Qualifying businesses must submit annual declarations to BCA demonstrating that they continue to adhere to all of the eligibility standards, including size standard limits. Additionally, businesses are obligated to send redacted federal income tax returns from the prior year.

ACDBE was developed to assist socially and economically disadvantaged business owners pursue contracts at airports. It is a federally recognized program available to any airport that receives and accepts federal grant dollars from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which includes Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Van Nuys Airport (VNY).

Certifying Agency

ACDBE certification requests are processed online from either the California Unified Certification Program’s (CUCP’s) website or the City of Los Angeles’s ACDBE/DBE Certification Portal Contract Compliance System. Businesses that apply using the CUCP site will still need to request ACDBE certification from their home CUCP certifying agency. Once a firm is approved for ACDBE certification, the company’s listing will be reflected on the CUCP statewide directory.

Note: A business that qualifies for ACDBE local recognition may also be eligible for Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and/or Women Business Enterprise (WBE) status. 

Eligibility Requirements

Note: For the full list of eligibility requirements, contact

  • Must be a U.S. citizen (or permanent resident);
  • Must be at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals;
  • Must be a business that is either:
    • Located on airport property and sells goods or services to the public—excluding taxi, custodial, security services, and aeronautical activities); or, 
    • Located off-site but functions as a supplier of goods and services to concessionaires—including management, advertising, and web-based contractors.  
  • Must abide by the following net worth and gross receipts restrictions, including:
    • Possess a net worth that is less than $2,047,000 in value (excluding equity from primary residence, retirement accounts, and applicant’s business);
    • Have $56.42 million or less in average annual gross receipts for the applicant firm and any affiliated companies (i.e., other businesses the qualifying owner has a percentage ownership in) over the course of the last five fiscal years. 
      • If a business has been in existence for less than 5 years, the owner can submit a Statement of Fact Letter on their business letterhead with a brief statement explaining when they were established; and, 
    • Comport with all federal government requirements for small business consideration, such as size standard caps in accordance with their North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code. For ACDBE certification, NAICS size standards are capped at $56.42 million, except for four (4) codes that have size standards above the $56.42 million ceiling threshold.

Application Process 

Businesses submit their online application on either the State of California Unified Certification Program’s (CUCP’s) website or the City of Los Angeles ACDBE/DBE Certification Portal Contract Compliance System. Please have the following documents ready to upload into the system prior to commencing with the application process: 

  • Five (5) of the most recent years of filed and signed Federal Individual Income Tax Returns (Form 1040), including schedules and attachments from the qualifying owner; and,
  • Five (5) of the most recent years of filed and signed Federal Corporate Income Tax Returns, including all schedules and attachments for the firm and affiliated companies (i.e., other businesses where the owner has ownership percentage).

Note: The Declaration of Eligibility and the Personal Net Worth Form must be submitted to attest that the business meets the aforementioned gross receipts restrictions. If either or both of these documents are not submitted, the application will not be considered or processed for review. Both of these forms are available using the online portal. 

Local-State Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise: Los Angeles World Airports (DVBE:LAWA)

Ownership Based Certification  |  Renewal Requirements: 5-Year Term

The Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) maintains a certification program for disabled veterans. DVBE: LAWA mirrors the Small Business Administration Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) and California’s Disadvantaged Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) programs, in that it supports increased business opportunities for disabled veteran businesses. The program gives contractors, subcontractors, and/or suppliers certain preferences (or advantages) when pursuing public contracts—including competitive bid proposals for airport-funded contracts with Los Angeles International or Van Nuys Airports.

Certifying Agencies

Businesses must be certified by one of the agencies below prior to requesting DVBE:LAWA status on RAMPLA.


Eligibility Requirements

Note: For the full list of eligibility requirements, contact

Application Packet

Businesses need to apply for DVBE:LAWA certification on RAMPLA. Qualifying businesses must be certified as a Local Business Enterprise (LBE or LBE:CBE). Eligible businesses must also be in possession of a SDVOSB certification by the SBA or a DVBE one from CA-DGS.

Note: If the review confirms that the applicant has submitted the completed, signed, and dated Affidavit on RAMPLA but is not certified as a Local Business Enterprise (LBE or LBE:CBE), they may still be recognized as an DVBE:LAWA upon proof of location within the State of California such as a lease agreement or the most recent Property Tax Bill, Deed, etc.

The certification analyst will request the following documents from the prospective business. 

  • Possession of the City of Los Angeles’s Business Tax Registration Certificate;
  • Proof of business’s location in the State of California (e.g., lease agreement and any amendments, plus the most recent Property Tax Bill, Deed, etc. for home-based businesses);
  • Most recent four (4) quarters of DE9Cs (or similar statements) to demonstrate quarterly wages and withholding reports for California employers; and, 
  • Current licenses, permits, and/or certificates required of the applicant to perform their scope of work, consistent with Federal NAICS Codes.
Local Business Enterprise (LBE)

Local Business Certification Program  |  Renewal Requirements: 5-Year Term

Qualifying businesses must submit annual declarations to BCA demonstrating that they continue to adhere to all of the eligibility standards.

LBE status is available to businesses located in either the County or City of Los Angeles.  Consistent with the Local Business Preference Program (LBPP), LBEs may be eligible for preferences in the bid process. The LBE status was created as part of the Local Business Preference Program (LBPP) to encourage local businesses to compete for City contracts, and to either locate or maintain their operations within the Greater Los Angeles area in exchange for certain benefits as part of a concerted citywide strategy designed to support job retention. 

Note: Certain LBEs may also qualify as a Local Transitional Employer (LTE) or Local Small Business (LSB). For the full LBPP Certification Rules and Procedures, click here

Eligibility Requirements

Note: For more information, contact

  • Must have a workspace and physical presence within Los Angeles County and/or City to be considered a local business;
  • Must be in compliance with all applicable laws relating to their licensing requirements and not delinquent on any Los Angeles County and/or City taxes; and,
  • Must operate within the City and/or County and meet one of the following:
    • Have at least 50 full-time employees performing at least 60% of their regular work hours from an office located within the County or City of Los Angeles, based on the last 12-months, prior to the application submission; or,
    • Have at least half of the firm’s total full-time employees performing at least 60% of their regular work hours from an office located within the County or City of Los Angeles, based on the last 12-months prior to the application submission; or, 
    • Have the firm be headquartered in Los Angeles County, from which the business physically conducts and manages all of its operations.

Application Process

To begin the application process, start by creating an account on RAMPLA. Once your account is set up, download the application form. After completing the form, attach it and submit electronically through RAMPLA.

Local Small Business (LSB)

Local Business Preference Certification  |  Renewal Requirements: 5-Year Term, with annual reviews

Qualifying businesses must submit an annual affidavit to BCA demonstrating that they continue to adhere to all of the eligibility standards, including size standard restrictions.

Consistent with the intent of the Local Business Preference Program (LBPP), Local Small Businesses (LSBs) have the potential to garner additional percentage points when juxtaposed with Local Business Enterprises (LBEs). These points serve as preferential markers, intricately woven into the fabric of bid submissions for evaluative purposes alone. They provide a strategic advantage, empowering local small businesses to assert their competitive prowess in pursuit of City contracts. It's essential to underscore that businesses aspiring for LSB certification must first obtain the LBE status before initiating the application process for this recognition.

Eligibility Requirements

Note: For more information, contact

  • Must have a workspace and physical presence within the City and/or County of Los Angeles consistent with the LBE certification requirements;
  • Must have gross receipts of less than $5,000,000 (including all affiliate businesses that the owner has shares in) based on the previous year’s tax filings; 
  • Must be certified as a Local Business Enterprise (LBE) with the City of Los Angeles;
  • Must have a City of Los Angeles Business Tax Registration Certificate; and,
  • Must be in compliance with all applicable laws (including, trade-related licensing) and not delinquent on any taxes owed to either the State, County, or City. 

Application Process

To begin the application process, start by creating an account on RAMPLA. Once your account is set up, download the application form. After completing the form, attach it and submit electronically through RAMPLA.

Local Transitional Employer (LTE)

Ownership and Size-Based  |  Renewal Requirements: 5 Year Term

Qualifying businesses must submit an annual affidavit to BCA demonstrating that they continue to adhere to all of the eligibility standards.

Local Transitional Employers (LTEs) offer wage-paying employment opportunities aimed at assisting transitional workers in overcoming barriers to employment. The ultimate objective is to equip these individuals with the skills and experience necessary for successful placement in permanent positions. Similar to the Local Business Enterprise (LBE) and Local Small Business (LSB) certifications, LTE status is an integral component of Los Angeles's comprehensive Local Business Preference Program (LBPP).

Note: Unlike the LBE and LSB, LTE certification is available to non- and for-profit entities. To be recognized as an LTE, a for-profit business must be certified as an LBE. While nonprofit organizations are ineligible to be an LBE, they must meet the general LBE criteria to apply. 

Eligibility Requirements

Note: For more information, contact

  • Must have a workspace and physical presence within Los Angeles County or City to be considered a local business;
  • Must be in compliance with all applicable laws relating to a business's licensing requirements, and not delinquent on any Los Angeles County or City taxes;
  • Must meet Local Business Enterprise (LBE) eligibility requirements (i.e., for-profit businesses need to have LBE status whereas non-profits simply need to be able to show that they can meet the LBE requirements without formally applying for LBE designation);
  • Must be able to show that they have provided transitional jobs for program participants, either by direct employment or through referrals to companies looking to hire transitional workers within the most recent 12-months preceding the application date;
  • Must meet the definition of transitional—specifically, the program participants—as defined in the City of Los Angeles’s Rules and Procedures Manual; and, 
  • Must have at least 10 full time transitional employees, or a number of transitional employees that represents 10% of their full time employees for companies qualifying under direct employment.

Application Packet

To apply, create an account on RAMPLA. The application can be downloaded and, once completed, should be attached and submitted electronically on RAMPLA.

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

Ownership-Based  |  Renewal Requirements: Verify Expiration Date with Certifying Agency

The MBE Certification cultivates a vibrant and inclusive procurement landscape, mirroring the rich tapestry of Los Angeles's diverse business ecosystem. Companies meeting the eligibility criteria stand poised to reap significant advantages when seeking government and private contracts, particularly those earmarked with reserved percentages for MBE participation. Aligning closely with the DBE Program's guidelines, the City of Los Angeles's MBE framework reinforces a commitment to fostering equitable opportunities for all.

Certifying Agencies

Note: If a business is certified by one of these agencies, they won’t need to go through a separate approval process with the City of Los Angeles. These businesses can proceed directly to RAMPLA. Once verified, this designation will be added to the requestor’s RAMPLA account.

Note: Businesses may be eligible for MBE status once they receive recognition as an Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) or a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) from an approved California Unified Certification Program (CUCP) agency.

Eligibility Requirements

Note: For more information, contact

  • Qualifying owner(s) must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident;
  • Business must be at least 51% owned and controlled by members of the following groups: Black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian-Pacific, or Subcontinent Asian (as stipulated on pages 4 to 5 of the City’s Rules and Procedures for Minority- and Women-Business Enterprises); and,
  • Firms must meet licensing requirements in compliance with Federal NAICS Codes that correspond to the company’s line of work and industry.

Application Process

Companies must print out the application and mail it to the attention of the Bureau of Contract Administration at 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90015. The required documents, as listed on the back page of the application, need to be included alongside the completed application for BCA to commence with the review process.

Women Business Enterprise (WBE)

Ownership-Based  |  Renewal Requirements: Verify Expiration Date with Certifying Agency

WBE-certified firms not only gain increased exposure to prime contractors and government agencies but also open doors to unique advantages for women-owned businesses. This certification provides a platform for female entrepreneurs to showcase their talents and expertise, fostering greater opportunities for growth and success in traditionally historic male-dominated industries. By demonstrating substantial female ownership, operation, and control, these businesses are able to contribute to citywide diversity and inclusion while also serving as inspiring examples of women's leadership and entrepreneurship.

Note: WBE certification follows the same guidelines as stipulated under 49 CFR, Part 26, which governs the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, from which WBE equivalent is modeled. To qualify, a firm must be at least 51% owned, operated, and controlled by women. 

Certifying Agencies

If a business is certified from one of the following agencies, they will not need to file a separate application process. They can proceed directly to RAMPLA to request WBE recognition. 

Note: Businesses certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE), or Women Business Enterprise (WBE) at the State-level may request WBE recognition from the City so long as they meet the WBE eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Requirements

Note: For more information, contact

  • Must be at least 51% owned and controlled by a woman; 
  • Must be a for-profit and independent business;
  • Qualifying owner(s) must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident; and, 
  • Firm must meet licensing requirements in compliance with Federal NAICS Codes that correspond to the company’s line of work and industry.

Application Packet

Companies must print out the application and mail it to the attention of the Bureau of Contract Administration at 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90015. The required documents, as listed on the back page of the application, need to be included alongside the completed application for BCA to commence with the review process.


Locally Recognized Certifications

Emerging Business Enterprise

Size-Based Certification  |  Renewal Requirements: Determined by Issuing Agency

The EBE certification is designed to assist qualifying businesses compete against larger companies for City contracts. If a business is certified as Small Business Micro (SB:Micro) from the California Department of General Services, they can request EBE recognition on RAMPLA. EBE certifications are issued by the City of Los Angeles in conjunction with LSB certifications. 

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and/or Transgender Business Enterprise (LGBTE)

Ownership-Based Certification  |  Renewal Requirements: Determined by Issuing Agency

The LGBTE certification creates a diverse supply chain that is inclusive of LGBTQ+-owned businesses. Businesses apply via the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Once certified as an LGBTE, businesses can request recognition from the City of Los Angeles on RAMPLA

Small Business Enterprise: Proprietary (SBE: Proprietary)

Utilized by City of Los Angeles’s Proprietary Departments: Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA)Port of Los Angeles (POLA), and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) 

Size Based Certification |  Renewal Requirements: 5-Year Term

Qualifying businesses must submit annual declarations to BCA demonstrating that they continue to adhere to all of the eligibility standards, including any income restrictions.

SBE:Proprietary certifications open doors to lucrative contract opportunities within the City's proprietary departments—offering a pathway to exclusive projects and partnerships. This certification grants access to a wide array of specialized contracts and also signifies a commitment to excellence and innovation in serving the unique needs of the City's proprietary entities. By achieving SBE certification, businesses position themselves as trusted partners capable of delivering exceptional results in specialized sectors, further enhancing their reputation and competitive edge in the marketplace.

Certifying Agencies

If a business is certified from one of the agencies below, they will not need to apply separately with the City of Los Angeles. These individuals may request SBE:Proprietary recognition directly on RAMPLA. Once verified, this recognition will be reflected on the applicant’s account.

Eligibility Requirements

Note: For more information , contact

  • Must be a U.S. citizen or resident;
  • Must have business operations located within the United States; and,

Must be an independently-owned and operated business that meets the criteria set forth by: the Federal Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) Business Development Program or California Small Business (SB) Program, whichever is of greater benefit to the company.


Inter-Agency Certification Recognition Chart

To help prospective applicants, BCA has developed an inter-agency chart delineating other certifications that are recognized locally in the City of Los Angeles. To access, click here