Company Key: | 3546 |
Company Name: | Southwestern Clean Fuels, Corporation |
DBA: | Clean Fuels, Inc. |
Owner: | Glen Fernandez |
CEO: | |
Contact: | Glen Fernandez |
Phone: | (626) 447-7000 |
Fax: | (626) 447-7099 |
Email: | |
Requested: | 03-31-2022 |
Approved: | 03-31-2022 |
Expiration Date: | 09-30-2024 |
Street: | 120 East Duarte Rd. |
City/State/Zip: | Monrovia, CA 91016 |
Supplies/Services: | Compliance Testing and Maintenance, Fuel Filtration, Water Removal and Heavy Tank Bottom Sedimentation Removal; Storage Tank System Investigation, Removal, Replacement, and Upgrades; Hazardous Material Hauler |